NAfMe - National Association for Music Education
NYSSMA - The official site of the New York State School Music Association. Contains advocacy information as well as all necessary forms to be printed/signed for solo festivals.
Da Capo - Onondaga County Membership and Festival Registration
Da Capo - NYSSMA Festival Registration
SmartMusic - Interactive music software for band, orchestra, and voice.
Official SmartMusic Blog - This blog was created to provide an interactive means to share commentary and tips on SmartMusic.
Finale – the world standard for music notation software – offers you the power, flexibility and freedom to create any music you can imagine. Compose, arrange, notate, and print engraver-quality sheet music.
Official Finale Blog - This blog was created to provide an interactive means to share commentary and tips on the Finale family of music notation products.
Central Winds (formerly CNYMEWE) - A Music Educators’ Wind Ensemble
Baldwinsville Community Band